
K5 Promotion_pre launching

saltcake 2010. 11. 26. 18:17

KIA Motors Corp. New Optima Pre-Launching Microsite

project_Optima promotion microsite (pre)

client_KIA MOTORS Copr.

launching date_2010.10

url :  


해외 출시에 맞추어 Brochure Look & Feel 온라인 마이크로 사이트의 Identity 통합하여 Pre-Launching 진행하였다. 사이트의 Grand Launching 이전 버전이므로 미리 Brochure 접하는 고객들에게 일괄된 Identity 부여와 더불어 Optima 기품과 디자인을 부각할 있도록 절제된 Animation으로 디자인 되었다.

We integrated Brochure’s Look & Feel and identity of online microsite then proceeded pre-launching in time for overseas release. Since this site is the previous version of grand launching’s, it is designed by understated animation to give identity to customers in the batch and highlight Optima’s elegance and design.

准海外上市,我们合并小册子的Look&Feel和上网微软网站的特性进行Pre-Launching。这是Grand Launching的预览网站,所以我们为预先看到小册子的顾客提供它的特性,还为了刻画Optima的气度和设计而制作节制的动画片设计。